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Finance Full-time --



Company Description: F&M Reklama is a strong and consolidated company in the market of Signage, Digital Printings and Promotional Items. The company has an experience of 15 years as a manufacturer, installer and maintainer in these fields. During these years, it has shown determination, passion, dedication for the client's satisfaction by giving them the best.
As we are in the stage of growing we are looking for an Accountant.
Role purpose:
To perform assigned accounting responsibilities and transaction processing control in accordance with defined operating procedures and relevant standards. To maintain accounting and financial records and prepare reports, including but not limited to, general ledger, fixed asset, chart of accounting records, financial statements and management reports.
Duties and Responsibilities:
Management of purchases/incoming invoices;
Cooperation with the sales/purchase departments in order to achieve accuracy;
Develop periodic reports for management purposes;
Examining and analyzing accounting records;
Prepare financial statements, and other financial reports using principles, clarity, relevance, reliability, and comparability;
Attending meetings to assist setting company’s financial goals.
Master Degree in Economics or Accounting
Work Experiences and Required skills:
+3 years of previous work experience in the finance sector;
Good knowledge of financial programs, ERP systems;
Good knowledge of Microsoft Office suite skills;
Ability to perform advanced analysis;
Ability to create reliable reports.
Language skills:
Very good communication in English language.
Other interpersonal Skills:
Respect the code of ethics like: Integrity, Objectivity, Professional competence and due care, Confidentiality and Professional behavior;
Highly developed attention to details;
Excellent interpersonal skills;
Analytical mindset;
Strong problem-solving skills;
Good organizational skills;
Ability to prioritize tasks and meet deadlines;
Capable of working both alone and in a team.
Workplace standards of the company:
Standards according to the labor code in Albania, plus extra benefits from the company.
Application Procedure:
To apply for this position, please submit Your CV before 20.09.2022 through the email address:

F&M Reklama is a strong and consolidated company in the market of Signage, Digital Printings and Promotional Items. The company has an experience of 15 years as a manufacturer, installer and maintainer in these fields. 

As we are in the stage of growing we are looking for an Accountant.

Role purpose:To perform assigned accounting responsibilities and transaction processing control in accordance with defined operating procedures and relevant standards.

To maintain accounting and financial records and prepare reports, including but not limited to, general ledger, fixed asset, chart of accounting records, financial statements and management reports.

Duties and Responsibilities:

-Management of purchases/incoming invoices;

-Cooperation with the sales/purchase departments in order to achieve accuracy;

-Develop periodic reports for management purposes;

-Examining and analyzing accounting records;

-Prepare financial statements, and other financial reports using principles, clarity, relevance, reliability, and comparability;

-Attending meetings to assist setting company’s financial goals.


-Master Degree in Economics or Accounting

-+3 years of previous work experience in the finance sector;

-Good knowledge of financial programs, ERP systems;

-Good knowledge of Microsoft Office suite skills;

-Ability to perform advanced analysis;

-Ability to create reliable reports.

Language skills:

-Very good communication in English language.
-Respect the code of ethics like: Integrity, Objectivity, Professional competence and due care, Confidentiality and Professional behavior;

-Highly developed attention to details;

-Excellent interpersonal skills;

-Analytical mindset;

-Strong problem-solving skills;

-Good organizational skills;

-Ability to prioritize tasks and meet deadlines;

-Capable of working both alone and in a team.

-Workplace standards of the company:

-Standards according to the labor code in Albania, plus extra benefits from the company.

Application Procedure:To apply for this position, please submit Your CV before 20.09.2022 through the email address:


Dergo aplikimin tend

Nese jeni të interesuar për pozicionin vakant, jeni të lutur të plotësoni me korrektësi formën e mëposhtme. Ju informojmë se vetëm kandidatët e përzgjedhur për intervistë do të kontaktohen. Kujdes! Saktësia e informacioneve ndihmon në vlerësimin sa më korrekt të aplikimit tuaj.

Njoftime të ngjashme


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Afati: 0 dite te mbetura

